Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ETHICS DAY QUESTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ETHICS DAY QUESTIONS - Essay Example This simply means that people confirm and acknowledge that the religious teaching on doing unto others what one wants others to do unto thyself is evidently grounded on ethical and moral codes. In one’s experience, religion, through teachings like the Ten Commandments, provide guidelines for doing what is right and abiding by universal standards of morality and ethics. This is most applicable in situations and cultures where teachings have been imbibed and transferred from one generation to another. Likewise, one also believes that some people could abide by moral and ethical standards; and yet assert that they are not affiliated with any religious groups. A public figure, Barack Obama, who exemplifies or exhibits an ethical theory that best fits this person is utilitarianism, or asserting that actions should be conducted based on the potential outcome of benefitting the greatest number of people for the greater good. Obama’s religion was noted to be Christian (Lederman, 2013). As the President of the United States, a nation known to promote diversity, he is expected to be unbiased in practicing the religion that varied people prefer. As such, the most viable ethical theory is the promotion of utilitarianism which fits Obama, as the president of a powerful and democratic nation. Lederman, J. (2013, October 19). Obamas Religion Is Out Of Spotlight But Christian Spirituality Serves During Tough Times. Retrieved from Huffington Post:

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